Some Changes Coming to Blessed Farmgirl

Hey y'all! Recently I've decided I want to start blogging in a new direction, being primarily focused on Southern Gospel music and devotional type stuff. With this change I'm trying to find a new website to start a new blog on, pick out a new blog name, get info on some things, etc. I will still write on "Blessed Farmgirl" occasionally  and use it primarily for photography. I want to thank all of y'all that have enjoyed reading "Blessed Farmgirl". I've really enjoyed blogging on "Blessed Farmgirl", but I'm also excited about trying some new things with my new blog. I've got a lot to do to get my new blog up and running, so it could be a couple of months before I have it ready, but as soon as it's ready, I'll let y'all know! If you have any suggestions for my new blog, any suggestions at all, please comment and let me know!


  1. It's always fun to start something new . I'm sure you will do great in whatever you decide to do. I know nothing much about blogs so I don't have any ideas bout which way you should go but I will read it and I'm sure I will enjoy it. Good luck with your new blog! I'm looking forward to reading it. Love you sweet girl. Always like God be your guide!

    1. Thank you Mrs. Judy! And thank you so much for always reading my blog! It makes my day to read your sweet comments on my blog posts! Love you!


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