Spring Cleaning the Chicken Coop

Hey y'all! Today I want to share how I do a big spring cleaning for my chicken coop! The first thing to do is gather up the supplies you will need. I use a shovel, rake, brushes, white vinegar, fresh straw, parsley, and a face mask.
So the first thing I do is pull out ALL of the old used straw. I go in the coop and shovel all the straw out, including the straw in the nesting boxes. Then I come back with a rake and get out whatever the shovel missed (it's a good idea to wear a face mask as all the raking and shoveling can stir up a lot of dust). After this, go in with a mixture of vinegar and water, and using a brush scrub EVERYTHING. The walls, the floor, the perches, the egg boxes, everything. After this let the coop air out for a while. While the coop is airing out, go ahead and take apart all the water and food sources and give them a good scrubbing with the same mixture (rinse afterward). After the coop has aired out for a while, it's time to put fresh straw in. Spread the straw all over the floor and put some in the nesting boxes. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm getting ready to grow some parsley to put in the egg boxes with the straw, as parsley is good for chickens and works as a natural insect repellent. There you have it, my spring cleaning routine for the chickens!


  1. Well sweet girl it sounds like you have some lucky chickens! You take very good care of them. I've never had chickens or had to take care of them but now I have good information on how to do it if the need ever arises. Keep up the good work! Love you! Have a good week! Looking forward to the next post on your blog.


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