Whats in my survival kit

                             Today I thought I'd show you what I keep in my survival kit.

This is my favorite item in my survival kit. It's my Swiss Army knife and case. I got this knife from my dad when I was ten and I love it so much!

This is my wind-up flashlight and my emergency poncho (which I haven't used yet). I got these a couple of years ago for my birthday from my grandparents.
A box of band-aids and a paper giving instructions for certain injuries.
Big flashlight and little flashlight.
This knife is very old, and it's kind of like a Swiss Army knife.
A paracord bracelet I made.
Alcohol prep pads and a wash cloth for washing wounds.
Sterilized needle and thread for stitches.

Flint and steel for starting fires.
Magnifying glass for starting fires.
Bandanna for wrapping things, hair elastics, and sanitizer.
My special compass from my dad.

That is all the things I keep in my survival kit! I take my survival kit with me if we go camping and I bring it when I go hiking with my brothers in the woods around my house, because they like me to show them how to use everything. I don't think I'll ever have to use it to actually survive, but I like having it for fun. We went on a camping trip a couple of summers ago, and I spent a whole evening using my Swiss Army knife to make a walking stick for my dad. My dad taught me some pretty cool tricks for outdoor survival, like if you're ever lost in the woods, the moss on the tress will point you north.  He also taught me if you get stung by stinging nettle, to rub jewel weed on that spot. I want to thank my dad for teaching me all about outdoor survival and for taking me hiking and camping and things like that.
Love you Daddy!


  1. How very smart you are to be prepared! Parents are very special and each of them will teach you different things you will use your entire life.

  2. You are a very special young lady. I'm so happy you and your family came to our church. We are blessed.I enjoyed seeing all your survival items. Looking forward to what you write about next time.

  3. You are a very special young lady. I'm so happy you and your family came to our church. We are blessed.I enjoyed seeing all your survival items. Looking forward to what you write about next time.


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