I hear a lot of kids who have a younger brother or sister say things like "I hate my brother", or "my little sister is so annoying. We can't stand each other!" Hearing these things actually makes me feel sorry for them. I have always been best friends with ALL of my brothers and sisters. I'm exactly two years and five days older then my younger sister, so she has always been more of a friend to me than just a sister. My triplet brothers are all very different, and I enjoy doing different activities with them. For instance, I like to read with one, while I might enjoy taking a hike with another. My baby sister is nine years and three hundred fifty nine days younger than me (my sisters and I all have November birthdays) and I enjoy helping take care of her, or just playing baby dolls with her! So, why do I love being a big sister? For several reasons. One, I like to help take care of them. If one of my brothers get hurt, I like to help doctor them up. Two, it can be very entertaining to hear what some of the younger ones have to say! But most importantly I love being a big sister because I try to set an example for them, and I strive to be the very best sister I can be (even though I fail a lot of times!) I want them to see me singing in the choir at church and think "Wow! Eve's up there singing about the Lord! I want to do that too!" How is your relationship with your siblings? Are you setting a good example?
Love, Eve
Love, Eve
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