Emergency chicken care

Hey y'all! I have a little experience when it comes to doctoring up chickens, and I thought I'd share some of that knowledge with all of you. I've doctored two hens with severe puncture wounds, and just this morning my poor little sultan hen has had a severe toe injury. The first thing to always do is inspect the injury. Is there anything embedded in the injury? If not, the next step is to give it a thorough cleaning. I clean my chickens injuries with saline, as it doesn't sting them. Sometimes I put triple antibiotic ointment on it. The next thing to do is spray the injury with a wound spray. Two commonly used brands are rooster booster and vetericyn, Both are non-stinging, and rooster booster is all natural. This last step is kind of tricky depending on where the injury is, but it is best to protect the wound with some kind of dressing. It's best to dress a wound with non-stick gauze and vet wrap. It is also imprtant to seperate your sick chicken from the rest of your flock, so none of the other chickens pick at the injury. Also make sure your injured chicken has plenty of food and fresh water. I like to give the water in a baby chick waterer, because it helps prevent the chicken from getting in the water and getting an infection.
